Privacy Policy
Empire Legal Pty Ltd, ACN 622 383 582, is a Legal Practice, incorporated in Queensland and accredited by the Queensland Law Society (Empire Legal)
Empire Legal recognises and understands the importance of your Privacy and we are committed to protecting any personal information we hold about you. Your Privacy is our priority. We have adopted the Australia National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained within the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act)
From time to time, we may ask you for personal information, for example when you visit our Website, provide personal details over the phone or even via email (including your name, email address and contact details). This is for the purposes of enabling us to identify you and deliver our services to you. By providing us with this information, you agree that this may be used, processed and stored to enable Empire Legal to handle your matter. In particular, you agree that:
- Empire Legal may store and use your personal details on a database held on the server at the Internet service provider hosting the system;
- Empire Legal may provide your personal details to any solicitor, accountant, Government Agency, real estate agent, broker, financial institutions or third party who may require this information during the course of your matter;
- Empire Legal may use your information or parts thereof to notify you about Empire Legal features, events or related activities that you may find useful.
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. To be informed of any changes made to this Privacy Policy, you should frequently review it. By using this website and our services after any such modifications are made, you will be deemed to have accepted such changes
If you do not want Empire Legal to collect or process your personal data, please do not submit or provide us with your details. If you believe that we hold any information about you that is incorrect, please write to Empire Legal at PO Box 183 Spring Hill Qld 4004. Your information will be corrected as soon as possible or removed from our database as per your request.
By using our website and our services, you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as otherwise authorised by the Privacy Act.